1-Create Enterprise Application Integration Project ,Say Project Name HelloWorld
2- Add New Item à
Schema -RecordRequest.xsd
3- Add New Item à
4 - Create Map for Tranformation
5 - Add New Itemà
6-Create BridgeConfigurtion .
7- Drag XML-OneWayBridge
8- Change the properties of XML-OneWayBridge
9-Drag Queue
10-Connect Xml –Bridge with Queue
11-Configure the service NameSpace of BridgeConfigurtion
12- Download Sample.Zip from (http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=17691)
13- Use MessageReceiver And MessageSender Utility for send and
receive Message from Queue.
MessageReceiver.exe <Your
namespace> <Issuer name> <Your issuer key> <Queue name> Create
MessageReceiver.exe <Your
namespace> <Issuer name> <Your issuer key> <Queue name> Listen
MessageSender.exe mySBNamespace
owner mySBNamespaceKey http://sbNamespace/<BridgeName>
Instance1.xml application/xml
14- Deploy Application on Service Bus.
URL for Azure Portal:https://portal.appfabriclabs.com/Default.aspx
Run The Application
Send Xml Message to Bridge:
Sample XML : <ns0:RecordRequest xmlns:ns0="http://HelloWorld.Artifacts.RecordRequest">
MessageSender.exe <ServiceBusNameSpace> owner <Key> http://sbNamespace/<BridgeName>
Instance1.xml application/xml
OutPut :
MessageReceiver.exe <Your namespace> <Issuer name> <Your issuer key> <Queue1> Listen
MessageReceiver.exe <Your namespace> <Issuer name> <Your issuer key> <Queue1> Listen