This article helps you connect virtual networks (VNets) by using the VNet-to-VNet connection type. Virtual networks can be in different regions and from different subscriptions. When you connect VNets from different subscriptions, the subscriptions don't need to be associated with the same Active Directory tenant.
SetUp a xyz company network
Create a new Resource group :
Create a Virtual Network :
Create a Gateway Subnet :
Create a VM in your Virtual Network .
Create a Virtual Network Gateway
SetUp a ABC Company network
Create New resource group for abc company
Create a Virtual Network
Add SubNet
Create a new VM
Create a Virtual Network Gateway
Connect Abc and Xyz Virtual Network Gateway using Powershell CLI
Fetch the id for Vnet-Gateway using command :
az network vnet-gateway show -n xyz-vnet-gateway -g xyz-resgroup
Execute below command in Subscription 1:
az network vpn-connection create -n xyzvnet-abcvnet -g xyz-resgroup --vnet-gateway1 /subscriptions/subscription-id2/resourceGroups/xyz-resgroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways/xyz-vnet-gateway -l "West US 2" --shared-key "eeffgg" --vnet-gateway2 /subscriptions/subscription-id/resourceGroups/abc-resgroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways/abc-vnet-gateway
Execute below command in Subscription 2:
az network vpn-connection create -n abcvnet-xyzvnet -g abc-resgroup --vnet-gateway1 /subscriptions/subscription-id/resourceGroups/abc-resgroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways/abc-vnet-gateway -l "East US 2" --shared-key "eeffgg" --vnet-gateway2 /subscriptions/subscription-id2/resourceGroups/xyz-resgroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways/xyz-vnet-gateway
Test the connection :
Test the RDP using private IP from one machine to another machine.
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